The District 6 Treatment Committee coordinates the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities, and sets up means of "Bridging the Gap" from the facility to an A.A. group in the individual's community.
Detailed committee responsibilities are in the Legacy of Service.
Bridging the Gap
"Bridging the Gap" is a temporary contact program offered by Alcoholics Anonymous to persons leaving treatment and re-entering the community.
This program assists clients who request help finding meetings and rides, making the transition from treatment to the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous easier- thereby 'bridging the gap' between treatment and recovery in their community.
A local AA member will volunteer to contact a patient on their discharge date or shortly thereafter to help find local meetings and start building a support group.
See the "Bridging the Gap" Pamphlet for a more detailed explanation.
To sign up for this service, please print and fill out this Bridging the Gap form.
The Phone number for District 6 Bridging the Gap is (772)49SOBER.
Individual Participation
If an AA member would like to be a temporary sponsor or contact for clients in treatment centers please contact the Bridging the Gap Coordinator
- by email at: BridgetheGap@District6aa.org
- or by phone at: (772)49SOBER.
A minimum of one year of sobriety and a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps is suggested.
Group Participation
AA groups carry the message to alcoholics in treatment by volunteering to hold a weekly meeting in a nearby facility. Bringing meetings into treatment facilities is a great way to carry the message of hope to the still sick and suffering alcoholic.
To sign up, please contact the District 6 Treatment Committee
- by email at: Treatment@District6aa.org
- Or attend a Committee Business Meeting held at 9:00 a.m. on the first Saturday monthly. See the District 6 Community Calendar for the location.
Groups will be placed on a short waiting list until the groups currently serving a facility rotate out of their commitments.
Here are Treatment Facility Meeting Guidelines and a suggested format to use for bringing meetings into Treatment Facilities:
Contact Information
- District 6 Treatment Committee Email: Treatment@District6aa.org
- District 6 Bridging the Gap Email: BridgetheGap@District6aa.org
- District 6 Bridging the Gap phone: (772) 49SOBER (772.497.6237)
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The Treatment Committee places and coordinates restricted AA meetings for clients/patients in treatment facilities throughout District 6. Individual members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities work through this committee.
The District 6 Treatment Committee coordinates the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities, and sets up means of "Bridging the Gap" from the facility to an A.A. group in the individual's community.
The District 6 Treatment Committee hosts a bi-annual event called "Breakfast for Big Books".
Proceeds for this event help to fund the purchase of Big Books for the clients of the treatment facilities who are starting their recovery. Breakfast for Big Books is held in the Spring and Fall.
The committee provides a Bridging the Gap program (See separate Scope and procedure for this process). This person is selected by the chairperson
In order to volunteer in the treatment facilities an individual should have a minimum of one year of sobriety and a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
AA groups in District 6 volunteer their home groups to bring meetings into treatment facilities which provides a great way to carry the message of recovery to the sick and suffering alcoholic. These groups must sign up with the treatment committee before entering the facilities
The chairperson organizes and holds a monthly committee meeting.
The Treatment Committee provides a schedule of available facilities and available time slots needing meetings. At times there might be a waiting list for those groups that wish to volunteer their services
The committee holds a monthly business meeting at the Martin County Intergroup on the first Saturday of the month at 9 am.
The committee provides meeting guidelines for taking meetings into treatment facilities as well as a general format for the meeting itself.
To contact the District 6 Treatment Committee please email Treatment@district6aa.org or contact the individual chairperson whose information is on the current District 6 agenda.
The main object of Bridging the Gap program is to make the transition from treatment to AA simple and easy. Bridging the Gap is a temporary contact program that assists people who are leaving treatment in getting connected with meetings in the place they live.
The bridging the gap coordinator works in conjunction with the district Treatment Committee to perform its responsibilities
Bridging the Gap program helps people with rides to and from meetings
Bridging the gap program helps introduce the released clients to local people in an effort to build their support group.
A local AA member will volunteer to contact the person on or near their discharge date and offer to help get them to their first few meetings.
Bridging the Gap program does not offer employment, money, or housing
Bridging the gap program does not provide sponsors for the AA program but if sponsorship should occur out of the relationship that will be a totally natural occurrence not a specific function of Bridging the Gap.
To contact the district 6 Bridging the Gap program coordinator see below or contact the individual coordinator whose information is on the current District 6 agenda
District 6 Treatment Committee email: Treatment@District6aa.org District 6 Bridging the Gap email: BridgeTheGap@District6aa.org District 6 Bridging the Gap phone: (772) 49S0BER (772.497.6237)
This page is all of the general guidelines that the committee chairpersons have in common. This page will be in the legacy of service once only and the succeeding pages will be the selective scope/procedures for each chairperson position.
The qualifications for chairperson for these committees, per resolution (# 517 02/2014). Individuals must have a minimum of two years of continuous sobriety and one year as a past or present General Service Representative GSR) in any of our ninety three (93) areas within the United States and Canada. An alternate chairperson be appointed as a member of all the District 6 standing committees. The chairperson of these committees will appoint this person pe resolution (# 603 07/2019). The alternate chairperson must meet the same requirements set by resolution as standing district committee chairpersons and be defrayed at the rate set by resolution for attending area quarterly assemblies in the absence of the committee chairperson unless otherwise defrayed. The term of the DCM is two years and generally coincides with the South Florida Area election of officers. Elections are held in even years at the November District Meeting with service to begin the following January.
There will be no waived requirements/qualifications for any of the district officers, committee chairpersons, DCMs and ACMs
All of the district standing committees are composed of a chairperson that has been elected by the District 6 body per requirement resolutions. The Current Practice Committee Chairperson position, by resolution, is automatically filled by the immediate past District 6 chairperson when willing and able to serve. If this individual is not available to serve then the Current Practice Chairperson is selected as above. The Finance Committee chairperson is appointed by the current District 6 chairperson. The Finance Committee Chairperson appoints two members from the General Service body with financial backgrounds. An alternate chairperson is appointed by the chairperson also as per requirement resolutions, Other members of the committee are DCM's, ACM's, GSR's and AGSRs. Also, anyone from any of our groups, may be a member of these committees and they do not have to be participating in general service with District 6. The Finance Committee does not utilize volunteers
These two items will be the responsibility of the current serving chairperson for evaluating the committee's business and functioning for the two year panel of service. This reflects the overall duties and activities of each service entity in District 6, Area 15. All of the currently serving District 6 Officers, Committee Chairpersons and the overall DCM Coordinator (alternate district 6 chairperson)
The following items pertain in general to all the above mentioned people
The committee holds a scheduled meeting, when necessary for members. Most communication and work distribution is done via computer
The Chairperson, or Alternate Chairperson in their stead, attends all District 6 business meetings and presents an oral report of no more than 4 minutes, providing a written copy to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the district 6 business meeting minutes
The Chairperson, or Alternate Chairperson in their stead, attends the quarterly Area 15 committee meeting and the Area Assembly.
Receives defrayed funding, from the district treasurer, for the cost of attending the Area 15 quarterly weekends. This is usually one nights lodging at the agreed quarterly room rate. Or may receive defrayment to and from the quarterly, if they have not stayed overnight as above, at the current IRS reimbursement on mileage
Expenses incurred performing duties of this office must be submitted to the Treasurer, including items, which, you, individually, are absorbing as a contribution. These must be itemized to enable annual budgeting for the district as a whole.
All voting members of district 6, plus the chairperson (a non voter, who casts a vote only in the event to break a tie) have a right to put forth a motion to the body
All district 6 trusted servants refrain from standing on election day for the same position unless they are fulfilling an unexpired term. However after the election day is over they may stand for the same position if they so desire at any time when requests are done to fill empty positions
All District 6 officers, and committee chairpersons will provide, at the October business meeting during their report time, a description of what their position is and what has been done in the past two years This will give anybody a general idea of what each position entails in a general preview of the job description so as to let those interested make an informed decision about standing for the positions
Reviews the scope/procedure of the position listed in the Legacy of Service document and provides a notation of no changes or makes changes and submits the information to the Current Practice Committee Chairperson at the October business meeting at the two (2) year rotation time. In addition, changes needed to be added to the scope/procedure due to motions passed or committee decisions may be submitted, at any time, to the Current Practice Committee Chairperson. The Current Practice Committee Chairperson will be responsible for submitting the changes to the Legacy of Service document and to the Website Committee Chairperson for inclusion in the District 6 Website. These changes will be designed to guide the next chairperson selected for the position.