
The District 6 Chairperson facilitates the District 6 monthly Business Meeting using established parliamentary procedures to ensure the proper and efficient order of business.

Additional responsibilities include the following:

The District 6 Chairperson facilitates the District 6 monthly Business Meeting using established parliamentary procedures to ensure the proper and efficient order of business.

Swing the gavel Image
- Presents an oral report of Chairperson's Remarks at the District Business Meeting and forwards a copy of the written report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.
- Reviews motions submitted for the District Agenda for clarity and applicability.
- Sets the monthly District Business Meeting Agenda and forwards it to the Recording Secretary for distribution with the previous month's minutes.
- Is an ex-officio member of all District Standing Committees and provides guidance and assistance, if possible, wherever needed or requested.
- Assumes fiduciary responsibility for GSR District 6, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation.
- Communicates with District officers and members of the District body as necessary to keep them informed on issues and actions of or affecting District 6, South Florida Area 15, or the General Service Office.

Wherever feasible, the District Chair is available to attend all self-supporting events.

To contact the District 6 Chairperson, please email:

Alternate Chairperson

The Alternate Chairperson for District 6 assumes the role of the Chairperson in his/her absence in all District matters. The Alternate Chairperson is familiar with conducting business meetings using established parliamentary procedure to ensure a proper and efficient order of business in the absence of the Chairperson.

The Alternate Chairperson's responsibilities at District 6 Business Meetings include the following:
- Coordinates a rotating schedule of workshops on the Traditions, Concepts and Motions held at 6:30 PM before each monthly Business Meeting, selecting and designating current serving DCMs and past trusted servants for pertinent presentations.
- Facilitates a GSR/DCM sharing session at 7PM prior to the Business Meeting, introducing the opportunity for open discussion and promoting the free exchange of ideas and comments on topics relative to group and general service matters.
- Presents an oral report to the body at all District business meetings for inclusion in the District minutes, clearly stating and at times may emphasizing the importance of obtaining a service sponsor.
- Provides the new GSRs each month with a copy of the AA Service Manual and the District 6 "Welcome" pamphlet (a service tool.)
Additional responsibilities include the following:
Many hats Image
- Serves as the overall District DCM Coordinator for all counties and avails him/herself wherever possible to assist the county DCM Coordinators when requested and to attend and participate in any DCM meetings and events.
- Acts as District Quarterly Coordinator responsible for providing flyers and hotel information and for assisting those who need rides, roommates, and hotel reservations for the next scheduled South Florida Area 15 General Service Quarterly.
- Provides the District Chairperson with an accurate accounting of District 6 voting members in attendance before an Area 15 Quarterly Business Meeting/Assembly is called to order.
- Attends the District Chairpersons' session held on Saturdays each Quarterly weekend, where feasible.
- Maintains open communication with the Chairperson and Officers wherever necessary on issues and actions of the District and the Area.

Wherever feasible, the Alternate Chair is available to attend all self-supporting events within District 6 throughout the term as well as any local Central Office/Intergroup events where appropriate.

To contact the District 6 Alternate Chairperson, please email:

Recording Secretary

The District 6 Recording Secretary is responsible for collecting the reports from the Officers and Committee Chairs and for preparing and distributing the minutes of the monthly District Business meeting. This includes announcements and flyers of upcoming events within the District along with the Agenda for the following month.

Additional responsibilities include the following:
Climbing the notepad Image
- The Secretary also collects the necessary information about the Area 15 Quarterly Assemblies and Business Meetings and is responsible for including that information as an attachment to the minutes during the month preceding the Area Quarterly.
- Maintains the current e-mail distribution list. Any written communications from the District Committee to members of the District are generally distributed by the Secretary.
- Works closely with the District Registrar to help coordinate the information necessary to maintain a current and accurate postal mailing list along with the list of current Officers, Committee Chairs and DCMs which is updated monthly and distributed to the District body as an attachment to the minutes.
- Maintains files of all reports throughout the term of service and is available and easily accessible to provide copies of reports, announcements and e-mail contact information whenever requested.

To contact the District 6 Recording Secretary, please email:


The Registrar is responsible for keeping a data base of the records for the whole district. This includes all GROUPS, GSRs, AGSRs, DCMs, ACMs, MAIL CONTACTS, COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS, INTERGROUP LIASIONS, and OFFICERS. Every time new information is entered into the district data base, the registrar forwards all the collected information to the area registrar, who enters it into the area data base and then sends it to the General Service Office in New York for inclusion in their data base. The DCMs from our four counties (Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie) are responsible for obtaining and supplying the registrar with current contact information from the groups they serve to put in the data base.

The Registrar is also responsible for the following:
Filling out the Form Image
- Keeps a current list of people who wish to receive the district minutes by e-mail (this list is maintained by both the registrar and the secretary and is constantly updated).
- Preparies and prints a set of labels to present to the secretary for mailing of district minutes to those who request them to be mailed.
- Prints the sign in sheets for the monthly district meeting.
- Calls the roll call at the district meeting.
- Contacts individuals who have two unexcused absences to ascertain their intent to continue serving. (These individuals must be reinstated to their position by a vote of the district body if they wish to continue to serve.)

New Group, Group Change and District Position Change forms are available on our AA Resources page.

To contact the District 6 Registrar, please email:


The Treasurer accounts for all District monies received and disbursed and reports group contributions, checks disbursed, income and expenses and account balances for the preceding month at each monthly District business meeting.

The Treasurer is also responsible for the following:
Stacking up the coins Image
- Reports actual spending as compared to annual budget on a quarterly basis.
- Supervises the basket collection at District business meeting.
- Prepares a monthly "Thank you letter" to each group contributing to District.
- Attends the Treasurer's meeting at the Area 15 quarterly.
- Prepares the following year's annual budget for October's business meeting to be taken back to the groups and is then voted on at November's business meeting.
- Maintains copies of all group contribution checks, reconciled bank statements, and receipts for all officer and committee reimbursements.

All records are to be available for viewing upon request and turned over to District 6 Archives Committee at end of Treasurer's two-year commitment

Group contributions to the district can be mailed to this address:
District 6 Treasurer
P.O. Box 12248
Ft. Pierce, Florida 34979-2248

QR Code to contribute

You can also contribute to District 6 through Zelle.
Scan or click on the QR code.
Make your contributio in Zelle to and please put your group number and group name in memo section!

To contact the District 6 Treasurer, please email:


This page is all of the general guidelines that the officers have in common. This page will be in the Legacy of service once only and the succeeding pages will be the selective procedures for each officer position


The requirements for an individual to serve as officer is no less than two years sobriety and served no less than one year as a past or present DCM in the South Florida Area (#341 2/2004)


Be familiar with and understand computer applications and programs that may be utilized by the district. Such programs may include BUT NOT LIMITED TO Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, E-mail and PDF Files

Be familiar with conducting meetings using established parliamentary procedures to ensure a proper and efficient order of business.

Performs any other duties that may relate to the function of this position

Prepares and gives a monthly report (not to exceed 4 minutes to the body and gives or e-mails the written report to the recording secretary for the district minutes in two forms of scrubbed (first name and initial only of last name) and un scrubbed (full name)

All district 6 trusted servants refrain from standing on election day for the same position unless they are fulfilling an unexpired term. However after the election day is over they may stand for the same position if they so desire at any time when requests are done to fulfill empty positions

Maintains open communication with the other officers on issues and actions of the District and the Area

All officers are allowed to express their views away from the dais. They return to their presiding position after their views are expressed, unless they need to speak to the issue again. The chairperson should

relinquish the chair duties to the Alternate Chairperson during the time of expressing his or her view and or absence from the dais.

All voting members of district 6, plus the chairperson (a non voter, who casts a vote only in the event to break a tie) have a right to put forth a motion to the body

All district 6 trusted servants refrain from standing on election day for the same position unless they are fulfilling an unexpired term. However after the election day is over they may stand for the same position if they so desire at any time when requests are done to fill empty positions

In the event of a District Officer missing two consecutive District meetings without excuse, the registrar informs the chairperson of the absences and the chairperson will contact the individual as to their intent with respect to continuing service and to report back to district the result of the conversation. This was done to maintain a standard of attendance for District 6 Officers. (6-2019)

In the event of a District Officer missing two consecutive district meetings without excuse, and attends the next quarterly will not be reimbursed. The registrar informs the chairperson of the absences and the chairperson will contact the individual or the individual has discussed the situation with the chairperson, The chairperson uses their discretion for reimbursement and reports back to the district the result of the conversation. This was done to maintain a standard of attendance for District 6 Officers. (6-2019)

Where feasible, attends the workshop at the South Florida area quarterlies respective to their position

Where feasible, be available to attend all self-supporting events sponsored by District 6 and the various Inter groups throughout the year.

Receives defrayed funding, from the district treasurer, for the cost of attending the Area 15 quarterly weekends. This is usually one nights lodging at the agreed quarterly room rate. Or may receive defrayment to and from the quarterly, if they have not stayed overnight as above, at the current IRS reimbursement on mileage

Reviews the scope/procedure of the position listed in the Legacy of Service document and provides a notation of no changes or makes changes and submits the information to the Current Practice Committee Chairperson at the October business meeting at the two (2) year rotation time. In addition, changes needed to be added to the scope/procedure due to motions passed or committee decisions may be submitted, at any time, to the Current Practice Committee Chairperson. The Current Practice Committee Chairperson will be responsible for submitting the changes to the Legacy of Service document and to the Website Committee Chairperson for inclusion in the District 6 Website. These changes will be designed to guide the next chairperson selected for the position.


Presides at all district meetings and performs such duties as are customary to this position.

Be familiar with conducting meetings using established parliamentary procedures to ensure a proper and efficient order of business

Prepares the agenda for the monthly business meetings throughout the year.

Reviews all motions and accepts the motions as written (that are to be submitted to the chairperson one week after the last district business meeting, the date and time for submission to be noted on the agenda).

Provides the recording secretary with the agenda, motion or motions one week after the last district business meeting

Maintains an open channel with the Area Delegate and the Area Chairperson on issues and actions of the District, Area and General Service Office

Maintains an open channel with and is available for concerns of all District officers, committee standing chairpersons, alternate standing committee chairpersons, district committee members, alternate district committee members, general service representatives and alternate general service representatives on issues and actions of the District and the Area.

Delegates responsibilities to the appropriate individual or individuals when necessary. The Chairman has NO VOTE on district business except to break a tie.

Reads a list of voting DCMs, voting ACMs (in the absence of their DCM), GSRs and voting AGSRs (in the absence of their GSR), at the quarterly business meeting and voting assemblies. The Alternate Chairperson provides the vote count information to the chairperson.

Presents a summary report of the prior three months activity of the district to the area body at the quarterly business meetings.

Is a voting member at the Quarterly Area Business Meeting

Is a liaison with the Area, the Region and the General Service Office as required to assure an informed group conscience for AA in District 6.

To Contact the chairperson, please E-mail or contact the individual chairperson whose information is on the current District 6 agenda


Assumes the role of the Chairperson in his/her absence from a District 6 Area15or business meetings

In the event that the chairperson is absent at the quarterly the alternate chairperson votes for the district as a voting member at the quarterly

Presents an oral report to the body and a written report to the Recording Secretary for inclusion in the District minutes. In the monthly report, clearly state the importance of obtaining a service sponsor.

Provides the new GSRs each month with a copy of the AA Service Manual and the district 6 introductory GSR pamphlet.

The GSR/DCM sharing session will be conducted by the current Alternate Chairperson from 6:35 pm to 7:00 pm. The Alternate Chair will start the DCM/GSR sharing with the traditions checklist, then ask for topics, or plan appropriate discussions, promoting a free exchange of ideas and comments relative to group and general service matters. (motion #586 7/2018)

If a chairperson of a committee is not present during the committee reports, the alternate chairperson gives a short description of the committee's purpose or scope (This description is provided in the Legacy of service)


Where feasible attends DCM/GSR sharing and planning meetings scheduled by the County DCM Coordinators.

Provides the District Chairperson an accurate accounting of District 6 voting members in attendance prior to the start of each South Florida Area Business Assembly Meetings, by position: District Chair, District Committee Members or Alternate District Committee members (voting in place of an absent District Committee Member) General Service Representatives or Alternate General Service Representative (voting in place of an absent General Service Representative)

In the absence of the chairperson at the Area 15 business meeting the voting information is provided to the alternate chairperson by the Recording Secretary and Registrar

To Contact the Alternate District 6 Chairperson please Email or contact the individual officer whose information is on the current District 6 agenda


Prepares sign in sheets, by county, for all General Service Representatives, Alternate General Service

Representatives and visitors to be available at the beginning of the district business meeting each month and gives to Archives Chairperson to be included with the monthly minutes.

Takes the roll call at each district meeting of all officers, DCMs, ACMS, Committee Chairpersons and Inter group/Central Office Liaisons.

Announces to the body every month during their report that anybody on the roll call does not need to sign in on the sign in sheets

Provides the recording secretary each month with an e-mailed list of the people that will need the district minutes mailed. This list may be small but there are people who do not have computer access and some who have requested a mailed copy

Provides the recording secretary each month with a list of additional e-mail requests for District 6 e-mailed minutes. (recording secretary maintains the master e-mail list)

Prepares a list of the officers, DCM's, ACM's, committee chairpersons, Intergroup/Central Office liaisons in scrubbed and un scrubbed (full names) versions. The list to include name, position, e-mail address, and telephone number. This list is to be given to the recording secretary to be included in both sets of minutes

Prepares and maintains an up-to-date data base, and other pertinent information on groups within the District with the General Service Representatives (GSRs), Alternate General Service Representatives (AGSRs), District Committee Members (DCMs), Alternate District Committee Members (ACMs),and Mail Contacts.

E-mails this list of updated material to the District DCM Coordinator to use for the DCMs And ACMs to use for contact information to their groups

Maintains and co-ordinates mailing lists from the district data base for the Area Registrar to send to the General Service Office (New York) for placement in the area and GSO data bases.

If the Alternate Chairperson will not be present at a Quarterly, the Registrar and Recording Secretary provides the Chairperson, before the beginning of the South Florida Area Quarterly voting meetings, with an accurate accounting of the District Committee Members and or Alternate District Committee members (voting in place of an absent District Committee Member) General Service Representatives and

Alternate General Service Representatives (voting in place of an absent General Service Representative) present for voting purposes.

To Contact the registrar, please Email or contact the individual officer whose information is on the current District 6 Agenda


The recording Sec. is responsible for preparing and distributing the minutes of the monthly district business meeting, including written report from the officers committee chairpersons, district committee members, Intergroup liaisons, the full treasurers report, all flyers for district, Intergroup/Central office and area events (including a quarterly copy of the Area agenda and motions). The agenda provided by the chairperson for the next month's meeting with all motions for that meeting

These reports are presented either at the business meeting or by e-mail one week after the business meeting. The reports are to be submitted on one 8 x 12 piece of paper)

Takes notes on all discussions at the monthly district meeting and includes pertinent information with the minutes.

Receives any motions in written or typed form that comes into the meeting as time sensitive motions, before the meeting ends

Prepares the district minutes in an e-mailed format (scrubbed-First name and First letter of Last name) and printed for mailing format (un scrubbed-Full name). Maintains and updates the list of e-mailed recipients and mailed recipients

Works closely with the registrar to keep track of the list of recipients

Keeps track of all correspondence between GSO, Area and the district

E-mails or mails the minutes to the individuals requesting one or the other. The lists are provided by the registrar with the treasurer's report, flyers, agenda and or area information.

The minutes are to be mailed or e-mailed to all members of the district, 8 days after the last District Meeting. The minutes are to be in a format that has been traditionally followed in District 6 (# 545-2/2015)

Mails or e-mails the district minutes and the treasurer's report to the South Florida Area Chairperson and Delegate.

Supplies extra copies of the minutes at the district meeting for new GSRs and visitors.

Supplies a clean copy of the un scrubbed minutes and the sign in sheets to the current Archives Chairperson for the preservation of all the district minutes and motions.

If the Alternate Chairperson will not be present at a Quarterly, the Recording Secretary and Registrar provides the Chairperson, before the beginning of the South Florida Area Quarterly voting meetings, with an accurate accounting of the District Committee Members and or Alternate District Committee members (voting in place of an absent District Committee Member) General Service Representatives and Alternate General Service Representatives (voting in place of an absent General Service Representative) present for voting purposes.

Before sending the minutes out to the e-mail or mail recipients and Archives Chairperson have the completed minutes be reviewed by the chairperson. This is to verify all the information is included and in the suggested format

To Contact the recording secretary please Email or contact the individual officer whose information is on the current District 6 agenda


Maintains seven years of treasurer's reports and recorded checking account statements for GSR District 6, Inc, events, savings and prudent reserves separately filed and safely stored in care of the Archives Committee beginning with Panel 63 January 2013. When seven years is reached in 2020 he oldest year will be eliminated.

All items in the financial records given to the Archives Committee must be initialed by the treasurer and the finance chairperson

Maintains records of group contributions thus enabling notification to DCMs of their Groups' 7th Tradition activity. Prepares a monthly treasurer’s report of income, expenditures.

Is a non-voting member of the district 6 finance committee. Must present all records each quarter to the Finance Committee chairperson for reconciliation

Requests a budget amount in the month of October from all persons receiving budgetary funds from the district to establish budget parameters for the upcoming year. The budget to be approved in December after the proposed budget is presented in November to the body

Prepares a monthly report of contributions by group and county

Distributes defrayed monies to DCMs, Committee Chairpersons and Officers at the South Florida Area Quarterly Business Meeting.

Responsible for advising the district Chairperson of the financial status of the District. as well as the status of our tax exempt status

Responsible for reporting the information on the status of the 501C district project

To Contact the treasurer, please Email or contact the individual chairperson whose information is on the current District 6 agenda

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© 2010-2023 District 6, last updated May 14, 2024